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Garden State Java User Group

February 2021 Meeting Information

February 9, 2021
Plug-in Architectures for Java With Layrry and the Java Module System

We are happy to announce that Andres Almiray will be our special guest for this month's meeting.

The Java Module System lays the foundation for building modularized applications on the JVM. It doesn't concern itself though with resolving module versions and obtaining modules from repositories.

This is where Layrry comes in: an API and launcher for modularized Java applications which takes a descriptor of the module layer(s) to assemble, fetches the modules and starts up the application.

Join us for this session and learn how to:
  • Build Java applications using layers, e.g. providing isolation between different versions of one module.
  • Use jbang to launch your layered apps in no time.
  • Create plug-in based rich-client applications using JavaFX and Layrry, allowing to – dynamically reconfigure and update your layer hierarchy, no restarts required.
  • Create your own customized Layrry launcher, if needed

This session is code-centered, be ready to see the Java Module System, Layrry, and JavaFX in action!