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Garden State Java User Group

November 2021 Meeting Information

November 9, 2021
Quarkus in Action - Live Code, Real Developers and You

We are happy to announce that Erin Schnabel will be our special guest for this month's meeting as part of the Quarkus World Tour!

Quarkus is the rising star for Kube Native Java as it re-imagines the Java stack to give you the performance characteristics and developer experience you need to create modern, high performing applications. Quarkus helps you use your existing skills and code in new ways and greatly reduces the technical burden when moving to a Kubernetes-centric environment.

Join Erin as she explores how Quarkus helps Java developers everywhere to be more productive, create modern masterpieces and, have a little more fun.

The Quarkus World Tour is unique experience with access to Quarkus experts designed to help you get started with Java in a Kubernetes world. There will be 90 odd minutes of technical discussion, some live coding and a Q&A.